Rugs | Modern, Grey, Vintage, Large Rugs & Runners


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We have a stunning range of rugs to choose from with oriental, modern and traditional options that will suit any budget. There are some fabulous designer rugs in our collection produced by Fiona Howard who is a highly regarded British textile designer, the Innaluxe range designed by Kristina Sostarko and Jason Odd and some unique designs by Michelle Collins. 

Rugs can be a great addition to many rooms in the house, whether that be the living room, hall or bedroom. There are many different styles of rug to choose from and can brighten up your floor and complement your existing decor. A large rug or even an extra large rug is perfect for living rooms and can be used to cover hard floors giving the room a different contrasting floor.

Rugs can also be used to soften a room’s decor, for example a neutral colour such as a grey rug that is very on-trend can be used to highlight the other colours in the room. We have a collection of modern rugs that are available in an extensive range of colour options, so you can find the perfect rug here.

If you are looking for cheap rugs, buying rugs online can be a really good way of finding the right rug for you. We have a large range of rugs for sale, from contemporary rugs, to the more traditional rug, wool rugs and rugs that are excellent value for money!

It is important that a rug complements the room and we have some great choices of colours to choose from including the neutrals like black, grey and beige to vibrant multicoloured options. With a wide variety of sizes to choose from you are sure to find the right rug to suit your living space.

We intend on regularly updating our website with the latest rugs uk wide. We will only promote rugs and runners that meet our standard in design and quality so you can be sure that our collection is exceptional value for money.

All our rugs are eligible for free delivery within the UK mainland. Please contact our sales team for any queries on our collection of rugs or for advice on purchasing the right rug for you.